June 4, 2015
We are lucky to have interns who make an important impact at MANNA. Interns such as Lisa Wartemberg, an M.S.Ed student in the International Education Development Program at The University of Pennsylvania and Samantha Mogil, an M.S. student in the Human Nutrition Program at Drexel University. Lisa and Samantha recently completed a research project collecting and analyzing data on our referral process. They developed an online survey which was sent to more than 200 health care providers and referral sources and then spent two months evaluating the responses.
The survey provided MANNA with robust information that our staff will use to help to develop a more efficient outreach protocol, including best practices for and times of the year to provide outreach, a more streamlined referral form, and a reference chart to help service providers clarify client eligibility criteria. Using these tools, health care providers will be able to make more informed decisions when referring clients to MANNA, helping to stabilize our client numbers and ensuring that our services are provided to the individuals who need them most.
We cannot thank Lisa and Samantha enough for their contributions to MANNA and our clients.
If you are interested in interning at MANNA, please visit our career page for open opportunities.