Ways to Give
Want to make a donation to MANNA, but not sure how? Learn more about the many ways to support our critical mission of Food Is Medicine. Explore the options in the menu to the left for more specific information.
Individual Donations
Make an online credit card donation here.
Send a check to: MANNA, 420 N 20th St. Philadelphia, PA 19130
Donate monthly and join the MANNA F.A.M.
Workplace Giving
Matching Gifts: When you donate to MANNA, you may be able to double or triple the impact of your gift if your employer participates in a Matching Gifts Program. Use the embedded Double the Donation tool here to check if you’re eligible for a match. Some employers also match volunteer hours given to MANNA with a grant to recognize this vital area of support. Use the embedded tool or ask your HR department if any volunteer hour matching programs exist at your organization.
Donate through your workplace: Federal employees and retirees can donate to MANNA through the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Ask the HR department at non-federal employers about their annual giving campaigns and options for contributing through payroll deductions. If your employer participates in a United Way campaign, then you can designate your pledge to MANNA through United Way’s Donor Choice Program. Learn more about all these options here.
Legacy Giving
By including a charitable contribution to MANNA in your will or estate plans, you join other members of the MANNA Legacy Society in a lasting commitment to our mission that costs you nothing today. Use this free tool from FreeWill to write your will or designate MANNA as a beneficiary for other assets.
IRA Giving
- If you are under 70.5 years old, you can take a distribution from your retirement account, add the distribution to your income for that year, account for any taxes associated with the distribution, and then give the cash to charity.
- If you are at least 70.5 years old and have a traditional IRA, you can make a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD) of up to $100,000 directly to MANNA from your IRA without paying income taxes on the donation.
Stock Giving
Giving stocks and other securities to MANNA is an easy way to make an impact without taking money directly out of your bank account. Plus, neither you nor MANNA will be taxed on the gains for appreciated assets you donate. If you itemize deductions, you can also take a charitable deduction for the entire donation amount. Use this free online tool to donate stock or learn more here.
Donor Advised Fund (DAF) Giving
A donor-advised fund or DAF is a giving account maintained and operated by a sponsoring organization. A DAF is like an investment account but exists for the sole purpose of supporting charitable causes. Learn more or recommend a grant from your DAF here.