Healthcare Partnerships
Patients can now be referred to MANNA through their insurance. We want to make the contract referral process as simple as possible. Below are resources intended for referring providers to use when telling potential clients about MANNA. We have included talking points, responses to common roadblocks, what clients can expect with enrollment, and frequently asked questions.
Qualification for service and the amount of time that each patient receives MANNA meals varies by plan. For more questions about eligibility and referrals, please contact MANNA’s Healthcare Partnerships Manager, Rebecca Boova-Turner (

Resources for Providers:

Talking Points for Eligible Clients
Important information to share with potential clients about the program.

Responses to Roadblocks
Responses to give when clients express hesitation about being referred.

What Clients Can Expect with Enrollment
Information about the process once the referral has been submitted and a client is enrolled in MANNA.

answers to frequently asked questions experienced by our providers.