Happy Cinco de Mayo!

Today is Cinco de Mayo and the perfect day for guacamole, a Mexican tradition! Did you know that guacamole’s main ingredient, the avocado, has many nutritional benefits? The avocado may very well be the creamiest and most filling fruit in the whole produce aisle. And yes, it is technically a fruit and not a vegetable. It is naturally sodium free, cholesterol free, and low in saturated fat. You may have heard that avocado is high in fat. Avocado is high in monounsaturated fat, which is actually a healthy fat in moderation

The skinny on fats. Fats can be classified into two basic categories: good fats and bad fats. While all fats have 9 calories per gram, they are not all created equally. The main difference between saturated and unsaturated fats is the chemical composition. Saturated fats are generally solid at room temperature, while unsaturated fats are typically liquid at room temperature. These differences make some fats healthier for us than others.
Which fats are bad? Fats that are considered “bad” are saturated and trans fats. These fats can have negative effects on health when eaten in excess. The negative effects can include clogging of arteries and raising of LDL (bad) cholesterol which can lead to heart disease.2 These fats are typically found in butter, lard, margarines, and red meat.
Which fats are good? Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are considered the good fats. These are the fats that are typically liquid at room temperature. Healthy fats, especially the monounsaturated fats, have many benefits. These include reducing bad cholesterol, lowering risk of heart disease or stroke, and providing vitamin E to the diet which is a natural antioxidant.3,4 Healthy fats are found in vegetable oils, nuts, fish, and of course, avocados! While the monounsaturated fats found in avocados are considered the “good fats”, just make sure you don’t overdo it on the portion size. All fats are equally high in calories, so be sure to eat them in moderation as a part of a healthy diet.  The serving size for avocado is 1/5 of the fruit, which provides 5g fat and 50 calories.1
Picking the Perfect Avocado. When avocado shopping, you need to shop with your hands more than your eyes. Pick up the avocado and give it a squeeze. A ripe avocado will be firm but will give a little under your fingers. If the avocado is a little too firm, you can store it in a brown paper bag at room temperature until it softens, and then you can store it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. 1 Use these tips to select the perfect avocado, so you can make the perfect guacamole.


Try our Executive Chef, Keith Lucas’s guacamole recipe below:

2 ripe avocados

1 Tbsp. fresh lime juice

¼ red onion, minced

½ ripe Roma tomato, seeded, diced

1 serrrano pepper, seeded if desired, diced

Cilantro chopped, to taste

Salt and pepper, to taste

Cumin ½ teaspoon

A touch of garlic



Do you love guac as much as we do? Join us for the 3rd Annual Guac Off at Morgan’s Pier on Thursday, May 21st, from 6-9 pm! Sample creative guacamole from some of Philly’s best chefs and restaurants while sipping beers and signature MANNA Margaritas on the riverfront. Vote for the best guacamole and help us crown the Guac Master – all while supporting MANNA’s Mission. To learn more about this event and to purchase tickets, click here.



  1. Fruits & Veggies More Matters. Avocado: Nutrition . Selection . Storage – Fruits & Veggies More Matters. Available at: www.fruitsandveggiesmorematters.org/avocado-nutrition-selection-storage. Accessed April 28, 2015.
  2. org. Saturated Fats. Available at: www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/NutritionCenter/HealthyEating/Saturated-Fats_UCM_301110_Article.jsp. Accessed April 28, 2015.
  3. org. Monounsaturated Fats. Available at: www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/NutritionCenter/HealthyEating/Monounsaturated-Fats_UCM_301460_Article.jsp. Accessed April 28, 2015.
  4. Heart.org. Polyunsaturated Fats. Available at: www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/NutritionCenter/HealthyEating/Polyunsaturated-Fats_UCM_301461_Article.jsp. Accessed April 28, 2015.


Celebrating National Nutrition Month® at MANNA

Nourish 2015 was a success and a great way to celebrate National Nutrition Month®! Our Nourish event welcomed healthcare thought leaders from across the region to attend a series of networking sessions on March 11th and 12th to discuss MANNA’s “food is medicine” model and develop partnership opportunities. Thanks to the policy makers and funders, elected officials and candidates, researchers and academics, medical and insurance providers and others invested in the health of our community for participating. The event concluded with a cocktail reception where we honored Health Partners Plans with the 2015 Nourish Award. The award recognized them for their commitment to our neighbors in need and for joining us on this road towards reimbursement, sustainability and growth.

Health Partners Plans (HPP) is a local, non-profit health maintenance organization serving more than 190,000 members in the Greater Philadelphia region, and they have signed a contract that will enable us to provide medically-appropriate meals and nutrition counseling to select Health Partners Plans Medicaid members in Philadelphia. Each month we proudly serve 750 clients battling life-threatening illnesses in the Greater Philadelphia area and Southern New Jersey. The partnership enables us to expand and serve 200 additional clients in need of nourishment. Health Partners Plans is the first health insurer to offer its members this valuable service through MANNA. Together, MANNA and Health Partners Plans will increase access to quality care and nutrition!

“One of the qualities that makes Health Partners Plans unique is our eagerness to partner with organizations that share in our commitment to caring for underserved populations,” said William S. George, president & CEO. “Therefore, we jumped at the chance to partner with an organization who for decades, like HPP, has been a force of positive change in the Greater Philadelphia community.”

“I am so excited for our partnership with Health Partners Plans,” shares Susan Daugherty, CEO of MANNA. “I truly believe this is the start to changing the health care model and that someday everyone will have access to proper nutrition.”

The future of MANNA is VERY exciting. Happy National Nutrition Month® everyone!


A special thanks to our National Nutrition Month® sponsor:

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“Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle”

March is National Nutrition Month® and we are excited to share that this year’s theme is “Bite into a Healthy Lifestyle.”  The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics is promoting daily exercise and encouraging everyone to make healthier, lower calorie food choices. The combination of a balanced, consistent diet and exercise plan will help you maintain or achieve a healthy weight. Attaining a healthy weight helps to reduce the risk of many chronic diseases including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.


The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics promotes eating a variety of nutritious foods ranging from fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein and low fat dairy.  It is not about drastically limiting yourself, but rather eating food in moderation.  Keep track of your portion sizes and use MyPlate as a tool to for a healthy meal. MyPlate encourages that you fill half of your plate with fruits and vegetables. MyPlate also emphasizes choosing whole grains, lean protein sources and low fat dairy products. Whole grains contain more nutrients than refined grains because they contain 3 layers called the bran, germ, and endosperm. Refined grains only contain the endosperm, thereby providing fewer nutrients. Lean protein choices include: lean cuts of meat, poultry, fish and beans. Low fat dairy items include: low-fat milk, cheese and yogurt.  Another recommendation from MyPlate is to limit sodium intake by eating less processed foods and microwaved dishes. When it comes to food, fresh is always better!


Daily physical activity is just as important for achieving a healthy weight. For children and teens, 60 minutes of exercise is recommended each day. For adults, at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of exercise is recommended each week. Make an exercise plan and stick to it! You could try common forms of exercise like running, jogging, power walking, weight lifting and aerobics. There are also many other options to explore that will still increase your heart rate. You could try dancing, rock-climbing or even swimming. Be creative with your cardio and commit to getting active.

A special thanks to our National Nutrition Month® sponsor:

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Shut Up & Dance 2015

SUD 2015

Ian Hussey, a Principal Dancer of the Pennsylvania Ballet, has participated in Shut Up & Dance for 11 years. He is serving as Producing Director for his fourth year. MANNA is endlessly impressed by Hussey’s hard work and dedication to this benefit performance. We are so grateful to have the support of the Dancers of Pennsylvania Ballet. We asked Ian to share some thoughts about the event and this year’s performance below.

Shut Up & Dance is truly one of a kind. The event is so unique because it is choreographed, produced, directed and performed by Dancers of Pennsylvania Ballet. A one-night-only event, it is given life by dancers who volunteer their time to put on an incredible show to benefit MANNA clients. We dance to raise awareness of MANNA’s work and to provide nourishment to neighbors who are battling life-threatening illnesses. Many emotions are felt the night of the show: tears, laughter, inspiration and more. It is all very inspiring and moving.

Attendees can expect a memorable night. I don’t want to give away too much because the surprise element is a big component of Shut Up & Dance. However, we certainly believe the audience has a lot to look forward to. I can promise that the original pieces presented by the Dancers of Pennsylvania Ballet will be beautiful. Also, there will be cameos from dancers of other highly sought after ballet companies that represent the Philadelphia community. Oh, and there will be at least one drag queen onstage!

Shut Up & Dance is incredibly important to me. I grew up in this area and it is essential that I give back to my community. I have volunteered in MANNA’s kitchen before, but this is a different way to give back. I’m able to have an impact on the Greater Philadelphia area all while doing what I love, dancing. The opportunity to be Producing Director of Shut Up & Dance is an honorable experience.


Each year, Shut Up & Dance has a new theme. Below are playbill images throughout the years that display different concepts from the past.

1235To purchase tickets go to www.mannapa.org/dance.

For more details about Shut Up & Dance, contact Laura Payne, Events Manager, at 215-496-2662 x115.



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January is National Soup Month

The blustery cold month of January is upon us. What better time than now to sit down to a hot, delicious bowl of soup to help warm you up!  Soups are a great option nutritionally, they provide us with lots of important nutrients including vitamins and minerals for relatively few calories. Soup can be a simple addition to any meal and a great way to make sure that you and your family get the essential servings of whole grains, vegetables and protein in one bowl.

Although some canned soups can be healthy, they are often very high in sodium which can cause an increase in blood pressure and leads to a higher risk of developing heart disease. Sticking to low sodium, broth based canned soups would be the healthier way to go but preparing homemade soups can provide many more health benefits.


Preparing your own homemade soups allows you to control the nutritional value by adding plenty of vegetables, whole grains, healthy protein and herbs which naturally flavors your soup and allows you to skip the extra sodium.  The winter months bring us a whole new variety of vegetables to choose from including cabbage, kale, leeks, mushrooms, turnips and winter squash.  Squash is packed with tons of nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C and fiber. Adding lean meat like chicken or turkey will make the soup more filling while increasing the protein content. Making sure to use a low sodium beef, chicken or vegetable broth rather than one that is cream based will ensure the soup has less salt and fat.

Other benefits in cooking homemade soup is that it tends to be much more cost efficient. Preparing a large batch of soup will allow you to have leftover which you can freeze for a later time. Making homemade soups is a great way to keep warm and stay healthy throughout the winter months.


If you are crunched for time this winter season, why not purchase a delicious, homemade soup from MANNA? Starting Thursday, January 1st, we kick off our annual SOUPer Bowl fundraising event.  Choose from 3 delectable soup flavors including Hearty Chicken Noodle, MANNA Minestrone and Creamy Corn Chowder.  By purchasing our homemade soups you not only nourish yourself, but you support us in nourishing our MANNA clients. For more infomation, go to mannapa.org/souperbowl.


A recipe to try:

Healthy Butternut Squash Soup






1 butternut squash

1 yellow onion

32 oz. chicken (or vegetable) broth

2 tablespoons olive oil

Salt and pepper to taste



Preheat oven to 450 F.

Peel, de-seed, and dice the squash into roughly 1-inch cubes (doesn’t need to be perfect).

Peel and dice the onion into roughly 1-inch pieces.

Place the squash and onion onto a foil-lined baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and season with a generous pinch of salt and pepper. Roast in oven for 45-50 minutes until squash is lightly golden and fork-tender.

In a large pot, bring the broth to a simmer. Add the roasted veggies. Puree using an immersion blender, regular blender, or food processor. (If using a regular blender or food processor, work in batches so that your container isn’t full to the brim, and be careful not to burn yourself). Finish with a drizzle of EVOO or spoonful of plain yogurt if you’d like, and enjoy! MORE



get ready to run4urlife

Have you heard all of the #Run4UrLife craze? If not, allow us to tell you all about the first ever spooky fun run 3k through West Hill Laurel Cemetery on October 30th! We are beyond excited to launch this unique event that encourages fitness and benefits MANNA.

The idea for Run4UrLife came about at an Independence Business Alliance meeting hosted by Comcast when our very own Rob Saxon got to talking with Matthew Ray of Chatterblast, Deb Cassidy of West Laurel Hill Cemetery, Klay Fennel of Comcast, and Gavin McKay of Unite Fitness. What started as a cool idea quickly become a very real and very happening event thanks to some amazing professionals in this city coming together.

Tag Strategies generated a logo, poster, and t-shirt design and Sage Communications provided their public relations expertise to get us some media coverage. Christopher Gabello and Gabello Studios shot and directed an amazing PSA for Run4UrLife and we thank Comcast for getting it out there for all to see!

The OFFICIAL Run4UrLife video:

We are so grateful to have such wonderful partners working with us. The funds raised from Run4UrLife are going to help MANNA continue to nourish critically ill neighbors in the Greater Philadelphia area.

Don’t miss out on all of the fun! Get your costume ready, lace up your sneakers and get ready to #Run4UrLife. After you outrun the ghosts and ghouls of the cemetery there will be drinks, snacks and fun at a 2-hour after party in the West Laurel Hill Cemetery Conservatory. Prizes will be awarded to the best costumes of the night. We look forward to seeing everyone on Mischief Night for some bone-chilling fun!




You can register for this frightfully fun Halloween event HERE.


MANNA is excited to participate in the AIDS Walk Philly 5k as a returning partner organization. This Sunday, the MANNAmals are joining thousands of our neighbors to raise money and awareness for HIV/AIDS. We hope you will join us as well.

Each year The AIDS Fund sponsors the Walk and other activities that support AIDS service providers in the Philadelphia Region that provide AIDS and HIV-related services, education, and prevention including increasing public awareness of HIV/AIDS issues. This includes support of MANNA’s work to nourish people with HIV/AIDS.

Team MANNA knows that the awareness and funds raised at the Walk will help over 30,000 people living with HIV/AIDS in the Philadelphia region, some of whom are MANNA’s clients. You should know that contributions made through our team directly help MANNA continue to prepare and deliver meals to those living with HIV/AIDS and other life-threatening illnesses in Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey.

Why We Walk

Supporting those touched by HIV/AIDS is important to all of us at MANNA.  In 1990, when MANNA was founded members of the First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia, our mission was to comfort people suffering from AIDS at a time when ignorance and negative stigma was at its height. Often shunned and isolated from family and friends, MANNA was often the only source of support and care our clients knew. We will never forget those days and will continue to serve and support people with HIV/AIDS as long as there is a need.

Like MANNA, the AIDS Fund has remained committed to the philosophy that by coming together, each individual can make a difference in the fight against HIV/AIDS in our community. We are extremely grateful to have them as a partner. In addition to their financial support, volunteers from the AIDS Fund support our Pie in the Sky fundraiser, helping to sell pies and working during the distribution to ensure that every pie makes it to the proper Thanksgiving table. MANNA supports the AIDS Fund’s commitment to conquering HIV/AIDS in our communities and hope you will join us.


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Nutrition and Healing

As the evidence mounts in support of nutrition being a key facet of health care, one progressive hospital has actually begun funding its own nutrition services for discharged patients. Carney Hospital in Boston, in response to penalties for high readmission, hired City Fresh Foods to deliver free meals to patients at particular nutritional risk. The hospital knew that doctors were advising patients on what kinds of diets they needed to eat in order to recover from their illnesses, but high readmission rates proved that this advice was simply not being heeded in the home. Lifestyle changes are difficult, especially those pertaining to diet, and this new program assists patients to succeed by providing them with some of the food that they need.


This is not a new concept; at MANNA, we deliver medically-tailored meals to patients to prevent hospital readmissions and help with the healing process. In Boston, Community Servings does similar work, and in cities around the country other organizations exist with likeminded missions. However, what is happening at Carney Hospital is new, because of who is footing the bill. At MANNA, Community Servings, and other similar organizations, the funding comes from a variety of sources including fundraising efforts, private donors, and grants. However, in this case Carney Hospital is paying for the meal service. This makes it far more sustainable and expandable, because the funding source also gains the cost savings, while at MANNA the financial beneficiaries are external entities like hospitals and insurance companies. MANNA doesn’t save money for itself by helping clients, but Carney Hospital will. Therefore, the financial capacity limitations that MANNA and other similar organizations operate under disappear when hospitals and insurance companies start supporting the savings that nutrition earns.

MANNA’s research proves that home delivered medically-tailored meals save money for insurance companies, patients, and hospitals. This is one of the first cases of a hospital using this evidence to start an initiative that will save it money and reduce readmission rates. We are excited to see all of the good that will come from Carney’s program, and hope that other hospitals will follow suit. MANNA, Community Servings, and other organizations around the country already exist and are skilled at designing and providing medically-tailored diets. Through partnerships with the organizations that receive the cost savings when patients receive these services, these organizations will be able to serve many more people, and have a much larger impact on their communities.

This post is by Kelly McGlynn, rising senior at Brown University and former Advocacy & Health Policy Intern at MANNA.

Seasonal Vegetarian-Friendly Recipe

In honor of Vegetarian Awareness Month, MANNA would like to share with you a vegetarian friendly recipe that is simple to make and delicious.  Reducing your meat intake has a number of health benefits including reducing your risk of hypertension, heart disease and diabetes.  There are many ways to get the necessary protein requirements into your diet that do not include animal products.  The recipe below features black beans which are a great source of both protein and fiber.  In less than 30 minutes you will have a delicious entrée that supports your health and satisfies your taste buds!Smoky_Black_Bean_and_Butternut_Ragout-458x326

Smoky Black Bean and Butternut Ragoût


1 tsp. fresh lime juice

3 tsp. pure maple syrup, divided

1 Tbs. unsalted butter

2 Tbs. olive oil, divided

1 lb. peeled butternut squash, cut into ½-inch dice (4 cups)

1 small yellow onion, cut into medium dice (½ cup)

2 cloves garlic, minced (2 tsp.)

1 15.5-oz. can black beans, drained and rinsed

2 tsp. adobo sauce from can of chipotles in adobo

⅓ cup crumbled queso fresco or feta cheese

2–3 Tbs. chopped or whole cilantro or mint leaves

¼ cup toasted pepitas or toasted chopped pecans, optional



  1. Combine lime juice and 1 tsp. maple syrup in small bowl. Set aside.
  2. Heat butter and 1 Tbs. oil in large nonstick skillet over medium heat. Add squash, and season with salt, if desired. Cover pan, and cook 8 minutes, stirring occasionally. Uncover pan, add onion, and increase heat to medium-high. Cook 3 to 4 minutes, or until squash is tender and lightly browned. Remove from heat, and gently stir in lime-maple mixture.
  3. Heat remaining 1 Tbs. oil in medium saucepan over medium-low heat. Add garlic, and cook 30 seconds, or until softened and fragrant. Add beans, adobo sauce, remaining 2 tsp. maple syrup, and 1/4 cup water. Bring mixture to a simmer, and cook 5 to 6 minutes, or until liquid is mostly absorbed.
  4. Gently stir together bean mixture and squash. Serve garnished with queso fresco, cilantro, and pepitas (if using).


Source: www.vegetariantimes.com/recipe/smoky-black-bean-and-butternut-ragout/

October is Vegetarian Awareness Month

Even for non-vegetarians, October is a great time to take an extra moment or two to reflect on personal food choices. What we eat affects our health as well as the planet in significant ways. Every meal matters when it comes to making a difference.  One way to start small with your veg journey is to start with one vegetarian night a week, “Meatless Mondays.” Try to challenge yourself, friends and family to eliminate meat from your Monday meals by creating an entirely vegetarian breakfast, lunch and dinner. Even MANNA clients can participate in this vegetarian endeavor, we offer one vegetarian dinner entrée per week in addition to a large variety of fruit and vegetables with their meals.

There are several reasons to think about vegetarianism. For starters, it is a great way to focus on eating veggies. Five a day is the goal, and more is even better!  All MANNA meals strive to emphasize fresh fruits and vegetables.  Combined with exercise and other healthy habits, plant-based diets can reduce the risk of hypertension, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Also, vegetables, fruits and legumes tend to be very nutrient dense and are full of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and phytochemicals.  A vegetarian diet can also help double down on fiber and then some, the average American gets only about 12g of the 35 g. of fiber per day that is recommended.



Curious to learn more about the health benefits of a vegetarian diet? Or just looking for some ideas? Try these resources:

www.vrg.org/nutrition or www.vegetariantimes.com

Need another reason to picks beans instead of burgers in October? Do it for the planet!  Vegetarian diets require less water for production and produce less CO2 as a byproduct.  On a nationwide scale, this really adds up.  For more information on the environmental effects of meat production, check out the article below.
