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Looking Ahead in Nutrition & Client Services
The year 2020 challenged many of us in ways we never thought imaginable. The Nutrition & Client Services Department at MANNA had to adjust their roles to the new normal. We are hopeful and excited for what 2021 has in store. Here are some of the big picture ideas we are planning to bring to our clients:
Virtual Nutrition Classes In the fall of 2020 we rolled out our first three part virtual Get Fresh cooking class series. All classes were held over zoom and led by our Registered Dietitians and Head Chef. The classes focused on teaching participants how to make balanced meals out of their pantry items. Participants observed a cooking demonstration followed by a brief nutrition education session in the comfort of their own home. In 2021 we plan to roll out at least three more virtual Get Fresh series as well as partner with other community organizations to deliver virtual education.
Meal Bag Tips This was a previous client favorite that we are ramping up in 2021. Meal bag tips are a way for clients who do not have access to the internet to receive weekly nutrition education inside of their meal bags. The focus of these tips will be to provide nutrition education around managing chronic illness as well as offer snack and meal recipes for when clients cycle off the program.
Cooking Demonstrations Be on the lookout in the coming weeks to view brief recorded cooking demonstrations from MANNA Dietitians and Chefs. These will live on our MANNA Youtube page and other social media platforms. They will feature short five-minute meals and kitchen hacks for MANNA clients and the Philadelphia community at large.
Food Labels In the coming months we are planning to roll out new food labels for our meals. This label will show grams on specific macro and micronutrients as well as ingredient information. This will help to keep clients informed about specific menu items and be a tool for our Dietitians to use during their one-on-one counseling sessions.
These are just a few of the changes on the horizon in the coming months, but the sky is the limit to the creativity and reach of the Nutrition and Client Services Department. Clients are always welcome to call for any nutrition related questions or to schedule a free nutrition counseling appointment over the phone by dialing 215-496-2662 ext 5. Here’s to 2021!
A 30th Year to Remember
We began this year with big plans to celebrate our 30th Anniversary – full of love, memories, and gathering with our extended community.
While the year certainly played out much differently than we planned, we still found ourselves surrounded by the love and support of the community who has been with us for 30 years, as well as so many new friends, supporters, volunteers and donors.
While the pandemic shut down much of Philadelphia, MANNA continued to be recognized as an essential service. Our doors stayed open, our client census climbed to the highest numbers we have ever seen, and our community rallied behind our clients and their families – some of the area’s most vulnerable citizens.
Inside our kitchen, we made many changes for the health and safety of our volunteers, staff, and clients. We instituted masks and social distancing, reduced the number of volunteers per shift, condensed our hours, changed our delivery protocols, and added additional safety trainings and health questionnaires.
From increased expenses in our kitchen to the urgent need for PPE, we are incredibly grateful for the outpouring of support from Philadelphia’s philanthropic community – foundations, corporations, families and individuals.
That brings us to our incredible volunteers – Volunteers are Essential. Since the onset of the pandemic in early March, 2,648 unique individuals have heroically volunteered in our kitchen or on the road delivering meals – totaling over 58,000 hours.
From all of us here at MANNA – thank you for standing with us. Whether this is your first year as a member of our community or your 30th, we are grateful to you.We couldn’t do it without you.
Here’s to a safe and healthy 2021.
Volunteer Profile: Matt Savastano
Written by Kimberly Gadzepko, MANNA Intern
Matt is a chef who is originally from northeast Pennsylvania. He went to culinary school and has lived here for about 13 years. He is enjoying his life and opportunities.
Matt first heard about MANNA through a Mexican restaurant he worked at that participated in the popular guacamole event- Guac Off- hosted by MANNA. After an unfortunate job loss due to the pandemic, he started coming to MANNA four days a week. Now with his new and current job, he continues to volunteer between his work schedule.
Matt usually assists with loading trucks starting bright and early at 7 a.m. Following this he assists with labeling/stickers and around 8 am helps with food preparation.
“Usually, I help with food prep. I know that I can help in the kitchen and with the packaging it’s a good workout and I enjoy working with them. Everyone is very friendly. They are willing to help you with anything. I go in and 20 people say hi to me and know my name. It’s nice. It’s good to work with people who care about you and so clearly, they care about other people. It helps with volunteering work.”
Matt explains that the work for him at MANNA is motivating and inspiring.
“It gets me out of bed in the morning. I get there are 7 and I get up and do more in three hours than I would normally do during the day. It’s good to help your community and I truly believe in food as nutrition and food as medicine principle. Even myself, I notice that when I eat better, I feel better.”
Matt is happy to participate in helping at MANNA, a place that incorporates his own passions and ideals.
“A lot of the stuff I’ve done all my life at work I can easily apply there. Even with food safety stuff and knowing things there’s a familiarity with the lingo.
Matt truly loves the atmosphere and encourages others to get involved.
“I would tell people about what I do every day. I would let them know that there are people out there that need help and there are friendly people out there that are willing to do it with you. You can meet new people. I know it’s sometimes hard to get people to do something like three hours a week, but after volunteering at MANNA for me it’s super simple. It’s easy and fulfilling and makes a difference.”
Volunteer with us:
Volunteer Profile: Roberto Soler
Written by Kimberly Gadzekpo, MANNA Intern
Roberto Soler moved to Pennsylvania from Venezuela five years ago and works at the Attic Youth Center, a space for LGBTQ youth. It was through his work at the center that he found out about MANNA. In the midst of COVID with a limited work schedule at the Attic, he became very involved with MANNA.
He has volunteered at MANNA for three months, coming in for every Early Bird shift Tuesday through Friday.
For Roberto, the best part about MANNA is the environment.
“There are very nice people there. It’s funny because everyone has their different behavior and background but everybody has a smile. Even with the mask you can [the smile] in their eyes.”
Roberto recalls what each day entails that makes it so special for him.
“Everybody has their own territory. During the four days there you can find a different kind of person. At MANNA everything is different [each day]. I enjoy all my days there.”
What Roberto wants to express most about MANNA is the people.
“I met these wonderful people like Micki, Kenny, Martha, Rachel, Beth, all of them are nice. I like that kind of community environment. It’s very nice. Working with Ralph, Chris, Phoebe, it’s very nice. Working with them is great. It’s my first time doing something like this and I really enjoy it! It’s not easy being in a working environment without nice people. For example, at the Attic, I feel great and now I found MANNA, [which has] a similar environment, and I’m fine! I don’t need anything else.”
The only thing Roberto would change, he jokingly explains, is the music.
“You know something I would love to change is the music. I like pop music like Katy Perry or Rihanna, or Sia and almost every day I have to hear Elton John there… And it’s not bad but…okay!”
Roberto is a dedicated and passionate volunteer who has found his niche at MANNA. His impact and contagious energy bring so much to everyone he meets!
Volunteer with us:
A MANNA Client’s Newsletter to Friends
This month, we have a guest post from a MANNA client – Lou. He has been receiving MANNA meal deliveries for several months now, and sent this message to his family and friends after receiving his Thanksgiving meal. This is shared with Lou’s permission and excitement!
As most of you know, I’ve been receiving delivered meals from MANNA for several weeks now.
As an active client, I was one of over 1,800 fortunate individuals throughout the Delaware Valley who were eligible to receive their Thanksgiving meal on the holiday. MANNA also baked 10,000 pies, and, from what I hear, they were all sold.
MANNA did a first-class, exemplary job of providing a delicious, bountiful meal intended to feed four people. Every aspect of the service bespoke of quality—in the packaging, presentation and food preparation. The delivery volunteer appeared promptly at 10:15 AM, wishing me a Happy Thanksgiving, with two large reusable cloth bags, adorned and imprinted with MANNA and Thanksgiving 2020 logos and text celebrating 30 years–filled with food.
There was a large aluminum pan filled with between 8 to 10 slabs (not slices)—some almost an inch thick—of tender, juicy, white turkey meat, adorned with green garnishes and a quarter of an orange in every corner. There was a large turkey thigh basted or marinated in a tasty brine, which was in a separate plastic bag. Altogether, half of a freshly roasted turkey was provided.
Also part of the meal was homemade turkey gravy, homemade cole slaw, four servings of delicious cornbread stuffing, seasoned mashed candied yams (delightful), seasoned and garnished green beans, whole cranberry sauce, a large garden salad with lettuce, olives, cucumbers, grape tomatoes, croutons and balsamic vinaigrette, a homemade bread box with four fresh Le Bus rolls, two large chocolate chip cookies, two large sugar cookies, a pumpkin loaf, and a full size MANNA apple pie with laced crust.
This would have been a fine feast for four people, but it kept me stuffed for four days. My many thanks go to the folks who donate to this wonderful charity, or who volunteer in the food preparation and delivery.
This year, since there was no Thanksgiving Day parade down the Ben Franklin Parkway, it was reported on the news that some of the delivery vehicles were adorned with balloons and other decorations as they lined up outside MANNA’s nutrition center on North 20th Street, just off the Parkway, in the Art Museum/Fairmount District of the city.
MANNA gave me a wonderful Thanksgiving alone during this pandemic. As they say, food is medicine, and food is also love. Their outreach to the community with genuine love, caring, commitment and cheerful, due diligence is greatly appreciated with heartfelt gratitude.
MANNA, the Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance, greatly exemplifies and expresses the true Spirit of Philadelphia—the City of Brotherly Love and Sisterly Affection.
I hope that you had an enjoyable Thanksgiving, and remain safe and well.
A Very Different Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and amidst the COVID-19 pandemic will look different for friends and families this year. Our traditional Thanksgiving may not be so traditional this year. Here are some ideas to brighten up the spirit of the holiday in your household:
- Cook, pack, and drop off a Thanksgiving care package-To those who host Thanksgiving meals in their home, consider preparing for a large gathering as you typically would and safely package meals to go for your loved ones. On Thanksgiving Day do a drive by drop off your pre-packaged meals to those you would have at your house. If there is any extra food, consider making a care package to your elderly neighbor who may be isolated during these times.
- Get creative with leftovers-We are all guilty of making the turkey sandwich the day after Thanksgiving. There is nothing wrong with this, but it can become boring after a while. Try using your Thanksgiving sides as leftovers. Make a turkey soup and add in your Thanksgiving green beans or use your stuffing to make a turkey casserole. Check out our Sweet Potato Muffins recipe to use your leftover sweet potatoes for a savory breakfast.
- Make enough for one meal-If you are not too thrilled on the idea of eating leftovers, trim down your recipes to feed those in your household. Plan for 1- 1 ½ pounds of turkey per person when purchasing your bird or 5-8 pounds for 4-6 people. Use this website or Android app to enter your side dish recipes so you can adjust them accordingly:
- Plan a virtual celebration-Many of us have utilized FaceTime and Zoom over the last several months to stay connected to family and friends. Try to incorporate a Thanksgiving tradition like watching a football game during a zoom call to catch up and partake in sports commentary with loved ones.
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected the Greater Philadelphia Area in many ways especially by increasing hunger in the community. If able, take the time to give back during the Thanksgiving and holiday seasons. One way is to participate in MANNA’s Pie in the Sky fundraiser. Each purchase or donation of a pie allows us to provide a Thanksgiving meal to our clients. This year we have the option for you to donate a pie to a partner non-profit organization to help with their Thanksgiving meal distributions. The deadline to order is Friday, November 20th and you can do so by going to
Another way to give back is by donating to your local food bank. Your donation will help keep their shelves stocked and able to meet the demand of the community. Some important items needed at food banks include:
- Canned Vegetables
- Nut butters
- Cereal
- Shelf-stable milk
- Pasta and rice
- Canned or dried beans
- Canned fish and meat
- Cooking oil
- Canned or pre-packaged fruit
- Broth or stock
Sweet Potato Muffins
Ingredients: (makes 12 muffins)
· 1 1/2 cups of leftover mashed candied yams
· 1 cup of flour
· 1 tsp cinnamon
· 1/2 tsp baking soda
· 1/8 tsp baking powder
· 1/4 tsp salt
· 1/2 cup sugar
· 6 tbsp vegetable oil
· 1 egg
1. In a large bowl combine the flour, cinnamon, baking soda, baking powder and salt.
2. In a separate bowl, combine the sugar, oil, egg, and vanilla. Stir the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients, and then add the sweet potato.
3. Pour into greased muffin tins. Bake at 325°F for about 25-30 minutes.
Hospital Malnutrition Today and Bridging Gaps to the Community Tomorrow
In recognition of Malnutrition Awareness Week™, The MANNA Institute hosted its first Academic Seminar “Hospital Malnutrition Today and Bridging Gaps to the Community Tomorrow.” The online seminar featured speakers from Penn Medicine’s clinical nutrition department and highlighted the scope and impact of malnutrition in hospital settings. Over 80 professionals joined the meeting to learn more about promising practices in identifying, measuring, coding, and alleviating in-patient malnutrition.
MANNA’s Director of Research and Evaluation, Jule Anne Henstenburg, introduced speakers and moderated a lively question and answer session following the presentation. Kristen Dwinnells, Clinical Manager in Clinical Nutrition Support Services at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania (HUP) was first to speak during the seminar, describing the modern day definition of malnutrition and its impact on outcomes and hospital costs. Dwinnells highlighted how HUP’s progressive nutrition program implemented the national consensus guidelines, leveraged the electronic medical record to collect data, and impacted provider identification and documentation of malnutrition.
Lauren Hudson, Assistant Executive Hospital Director and Director of Clinical Nutrition Support Services at HUP, followed by explaining the impact of enhanced identification and coding of malnutrition throughout the care process. Only after these documentation processes were well established could the team analyze and visualize the impact of moderate or severe malnutrition on hospital readmission rates and length of stay – measures that correlated directly with malnutrition severity.
With this data in hand, Hudson shared that the team will now focus on “Enhanced Nutrition Discharge” to improve continuity in care with electronic prescribing of diets and nutrition supplements. Hudson explained the importance of linking patients to community-based services at discharge, potentially connecting patients directly to MANNA’s medically tailored meal program to meet acute nutritional needs and reduce rates of readmission – a win for patients and providers alike.
The seminar underscored the significance of hospital malnutrition and the opportunities we have to address the problem, a timely reminder during ASPEN’s annual Malnutrition Awareness Week™ which concludes today. We hope you join the MANNA Institute for future seminars so we can continue learning from the experiences of nutrition experts and improve nutrition care for all.
MANNA clients exceed standards for fruit and vegetable intake
The MANNA Institute recently partnered with a nutrition class at Drexel University to conduct food surveys with MANNA clients. We used Block Fruit-Vegetable-Fiber ScreenersTM to measure fruit and vegetable intake and associated nutrients in a cross-section of 137 MANNA clients. The average age of the clients surveyed was 60 years (range 17-94), there were about equal numbers of males and females represented, and the main diagnoses of clients were cancer, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, and high blood pressure.
The composite average fruit and vegetable intakes of males and females were 5.0 and 4.5 servings per day, respectively. The CDC found that only 1 in 10 adults get the recommended 5 servings[1]. According to Harvard Health Online, eating 5 fruits and vegetables a day can lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, and cancer. More fruits and vegetables in your diet also helps maintain healthy body weight and lower blood pressure and cholesterol.[2]
Composite intakes of vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium were calculated from the Block Screener scores. Average intake for males and females, respectively, were 133 and 161 mg/day for vitamin C; 3023 and 3809 mg/day for potassium; and 306 and 402 mg/day for magnesium. Vitamin C supports wound healing and immune function, which is especially important during the Covid-19 pandemic[3]. Adequate potassium intake helps lower blood pressure and decreases risk of stroke[4], and magnesium decreases risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, and diabetes[5]. The composite average intake of these nutrients indicates that MANNA clients are doing better than the US population. Intakes of potassium and magnesium are low for many Americans in part due to lower than recommended fruit and vegetable intake.
These data combined show that MANNA’s medically tailored meals provide a rich amount of fruits and vegetables, leading to great intakes of those food groups and their critical nutrients – vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium. For our clients, it is especially important that our meals help them maintain good health, especially when managing a serious illness during the Covid-19 pandemic[6]. These findings support our belief that MANNA’s meals are providing excellent levels of nutrients for those who need them most.

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Quarantining in the Kitchen
The coronavirus has affected our lives and communities in many ways. One positive outlook from the quarantine is it made a lot of us become creative in our homes, especially our kitchens!
Here in the Nutrition department, we are managing an increase in phone calls from clients and prospective clients, an increase in referrals from hospitals, dialysis centers, doctors’ offices, and insurance companies, several remote nutrition counseling appointments, and the occasional kitchen shift.
In order to balance out some of our more hectic workdays, we have been extra creative in the kitchen when we get home. We would like to share some of our creations with you, along with 3 nutrition tips during this peculiar time. We hope that this sparks some creativity in your kitchens!
- No matter how little you are moving, your body still needs nutrition
As people on the internet are warning us against the “quarantine fifteen”, the pressure to stay fit is at an all time high. Remember that you do not have to do a push-up challenge, find a new hiking spot, or run a 5k to be healthy. You might find yourself moving your body much less. That is ok! You decide what works best for you.
No matter what, we need nutrition every day and throughout the day—regardless of whether that nutrition comes from a box, a can, or a bag. During a global pandemic, your brain has enough to think about. Try not to put added pressure on yourself by stressing over your food and exercise routines, or a lack thereof.
See some of our favorite recipes using non-perishable ingredients: Dietitian Emma’s sweet potato/black bean chili, Intake Specialist Kaitlan’s mac and cheese, Nutrition and Client Services Manager Tonya’s turkey tacos with canned veggies, and Nutritionist Addie’s homemade granola
2. Have fun with your food!
You may be limiting your trips to the grocery store amidst the pandemic. You might have to rely more on non-perishable ingredients instead of fresh fruits and veggies. When you get to the store, your options may be limited. Or, you may rush through the store and forget a few items on your list.
This is your opportunity to recreate an episode of Chopped with the few ingredients that you have! Involve your kids in the kitchen. Have a “theme” night with the family — taco night, make your own pizza night, breakfast for dinner, appetizers for dinner. Have a child put their own recipe together, or participate in a “cook off”. Film a recipe video!
Check out Client Services Coordinator Max’s homemade pizza night, Addie’s fruit and vegan cheese spread, Emma’s taco night, and Kaitlan’s breakfast tacos:
3. Avoid judgment around food
Everybody has a different style of eating that works best for them. Some people may be stress eaters, while others lose their appetites with stress. Some people are relying mostly on convenience foods as their main source of nutrition. Some may not be able to afford much variety in their diets. Many of our clients are taking medications that make them nauseous, making crackers and dry toast staples in their diets. Some people are taking care of children all day and may serve frozen chicken nuggets for dinner 3 nights in a row.
This rule applies to life after coronavirus, but it is especially important now. We encourage you to give yourself and others permission to eat in a way that feels right to you. We are all in this together!
Here are some of our meals that have brought us comfort–Max’s cinnamon buns, Kaitlan’s (and Rutabaga’s) soup and grilled cheese, and Emma’s chocolate chip pancakes
If you’re looking to make some of these recipes at home, here are a few of them:
Addie’s Granola:
Emma’s Black Bean & Sweet Potato Veggie Chili:
Kaitlan’s Breakfast Tacos:
Max’s Cinnamon Buns:
Tonya’s Taco’s with canned vegetables