Eligibility and Application

What are the eligibility criteria for the MANNA meal program?

MANNA’s meal program is for individuals in the greater Philadelphia area who are suffering from serious illnesses and are at nutritional risk due to the disease or treatment for the disease. To be eligible, clients must have both a qualifying illness and an acute nutritional risk factor. MANNA considers a diagnosis of the following as a qualifying condition: HIV/AIDS, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, end stage renal disease, liver disease, or new diagnosis of cancer. Acute nutritional risk may be demonstrated by:

  • Recent, extended hospitalization (within last 30 days, admission > 3 days)
  • Recovery from a recent surgery
  • Active wound care Start of new medical treatment (chemotherapy, dialysis, etc)
  • Significant, unintentional weight loss 
Can anyone receive MANNA nutrition counseling?

MANNA’s nutrition counseling program is available to anyone who is interests in receiving nutrition education with a chronic illness or medical condition who does not have access to a dietitian. MANNA provides all counseling free of charge. Contact MANNA’s Nutrition & Client Services department to schedule an appointment.

What areas do you serve?

MANNA delivers to the greater Philadelphia and southern New Jersey areas. To find out if you are within the delivery area, please view our interactive delivery map.

How do I apply for services?

To apply for MANNA services, please have your medical care provider complete a MANNA referral form. Once the form is complete, fax it back to MANNA’s Nutrition & Client Services department at 215-496-9102 and we will contact you.

Instrucciones en español

Dietary Needs and Preferences

Do you have a meal program that can accommodate my (renal/diabetic/heart healthy, etc.) nutritional needs?

MANNA has 11 different diet modifications to meet clients’ nutritional needs. A client can receive up to 3 diet modifications at once. Our standard diet is diabetic friendly and heart healthy, and modifications include medical requirements like pureed or kidney friendly, as well as preferences like vegetarian or no pork. However, MANNA meals can’t be modified to be entirely vegan, kosher, nut-free, macrobiotic or gluten-free.

What if I do not like specific food items, can they be eliminated from my diet?

MANNA cannot eliminate specific food items provided in the meal program – though preference diets are available and we can accommodate no beef, pork, or seafood preferences. We target our nutrition towards clients’ specific dietary needs.

What if the portion sizes are too big? Too small?

MANNA has three ways to accommodate decreased appetite:

  • MANNA offers deliveries every other week
  • Small portion dinner entrees are available
  • MANNA’s supplemental program provides dinner entrees only

Unfortunately, we cannot increase our portion sizes or options to provide more food than provided in our standard diet.

Can I just have the breakfast or lunch options and not the dinner meals?

MANNA offers either the complete nutrition program which includes breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert daily, or the supplemental program which offers just the dinner entrees each week.

I am not sure how to follow the diet that was recommended by my doctor, is there someone who can help me?

Yes – our dietitians are available to help with any question or concerns that you may have. Call (215) 496-2662 x5.

What do you do with client medical information?

MANNA is bound by the rules of HIPAA, and safeguards your data carefully.

Read about our privacy practices in English or leer sobre nuestras practicas de privacidad en español.

Tips for Seasoning Food

MANNA recommends using the following seasonings instead of salt when preparing meals:

Do you supply nutritional supplements?

MANNA does not supply or offer nutritional supplements.


What is my delivery day? What are the delivery hours?

MANNA clients receive meal delivery once each week on the same day each week. If you happen to forget your delivery day or need to make changes, contact our Distribution department at (215) 496-2662 x2. MANNA delivers between the hours of 8:00am to 5:00pm Tuesday through Friday.

What do I do if I cannot be home for my MANNA meal delivery?

If no one will be there to accept your meals, please call to cancel or reschedule your delivery.

  • You can reschedule by calling at least 2 days prior to your delivery day
  • Meals can be delivered to another address if it is set up 2 days prior to your delivery day
  • Rescheduled deliveries do not count as missed deliveries

Programs Outside MANNA

What other social service programs are there in my area?

Need more information on health, housing, food assistance and other social service needs? Simply click on your county below to see the available resources closest to you. Please note that some services may not be available in all areas.

Insurance Marketplace

MANNA takes the health and well-being of our clients seriously. As such, we have decided to educate our clients, referral sources, and the general public about the new health insurance options available to them thanks to the Affordable Care Act. The Health Insurance Marketplace gives the uninsured more plan choices and helps lower the costs of insurance for working families and small businesses.

Visit HealthCare.gov or CuidadoDeSalud.go or call the 24/7 Consumer Call Center: 1-800-318-2596.

Language Assistance

MANNA is committed to meeting your language needs. To request language assistance, please call 215-496-2662 ext. 5 so we can connect you with a qualified interpreter.

Español (US)

MANNA se compromete a satisfacer sus necesidades idiomáticas. Para solicitar asistencia con el idioma, llame al 215-496-2662 ext. 1 para que podamos ponerle en contacto con un intérprete calificado.




Instrucciones para calentar comidas descongeladas de MANNA

Pasos para la seguridad alimentaria

Kreyōl (HT)

MANNA pran angajman pou reponn ak bezwen tradiksyon ou yo. Si ou bezwen èd tradiksyon, tanpri rele nan 215-496-2662 ekstansyon 5 pou nou kapab konekte w avèk yon entèprèt kalifye



Machaswiv chofaj pou repa MANNA deglase yo

Etap pou sekirite manje

Pусский (RU)

MANNA стремится удовлетворить ваши пожелания относительно языка. Для получения помощи с переводом позвоните по телефону 215-496-2662, доб. 5, чтобы мы могли связать вас с квалифицированным переводчиком.



Инструкции по разогреву размороженных блюд MANNA

Шаги по обеспечению безопасности пищевых продуктов

Tiếng Việt (US)

MANNA cam kết đáp ứng nhu cầu ngôn ngữ của quý vị. Để yêu cầu hỗ trợ ngôn ngữ, vui lòng gọi 215-496-2662 số máy lẻ 5 để chúng tôi có thể kết nối quý vị với một thông dịch viên có trình độ.


THỰC ĐƠN MẪU HÀNG TUẦN – Thực đơn Trẻ em

Hướng dẫn làm nóng cho các suất ăn MANNA rã đông

Các bước an toàn thực phẩm

中文 (CN)

MANNA 承诺满足您的语言需求。如需语言协助,请致电 215-496-2662 转 5,以便我们为您安排合格的口译员。


每周菜谱范例 – 儿童菜谱

MANNA 餐食的解冻后加热说明


(XY) العربية

تلتزم شركة MANNA بتلبية احتياجاتك اللغوية. لطلب المساعدة اللغوية، يُرجى الاتصال على الرقم ‎215-496-2662‏ الرقم الداخلي 5 حتى نتمكن من توصيلك بمترجم فوري مؤهل

ن قائمة الطعام الأسبوعية

طعام الأطفال – ن قائمة الطعام الأسبوعية

عنها الثلج المذاب MANNA تعليمات تسخين وجبات

ات لضمان سلامة الغذاء